Monday, January 8, 2018

The antonym of pointless

Lying in bed, I started wondering what the antonym of pointless is. Usually, words that end in -less have an antonym that ends in -ful.  Hopeless -  hopeful; graceless - graceful and so on. There's no word "pointful".  So, when I got up, I looked it up and there really isn't an exact antonym of pointless that I could find.

Oh, sites such as will list antonyms, but none of these are nearly exact. They do list "pointed" which is the opposite of one sense of "pointless" - having a point in the geometrical sense. But which of those would fit with the more usual sense of pointless as in "life is pointless" or "it's pointless to argue with him"?

The closest I can think of is "purposeful", which isn't on that list.

What are other antonyms for "pointless"?

What other adjectives don't have antonyms? 

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