Monday, December 18, 2017

Sayings I don't like: Do it yourself

Today I'm starting a new feature about sayings I don't like. These will be popular adages or admonitions that I don't agree with.  Today:

If you want something done right, do it yourself.
This is nonsense! I suppose it's meant to foster independence and self-reliance and so on. But, first of all, it's factually wrong pretty often. There are lots of things other people do much better than I do.  Some of these are things that I want to have done from time to time, from painting a wall to fixing the plumbing to cooking a meal.  If I paint a wall it will look a mess.  If I hire someone, it won't. Some of them are things that I to see or hear or whatnot. If I want to listen to great music or see a great movie or read a great novel, I will look to others to do it for me.

But, in addition, the goal the saying seems to aim for is wrong-headed. We are not independent creatures and we, as humans, do better when we are more social and more interdependent.  Yes, there have been times and places where many people were much more independent than they are in 21st century USA.  But mostly, they were much worse off.  Yes, a person can dig a hole in the ground for an outhouse.  I prefer modern plumbing and I could not install a toilet.

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