Monday, February 19, 2018

Yiddish words: Pisher

Word: Pisher
Prounciation: Rhymes with wisher
Meaning: Pisher means one who urinates. But it is usually used in the phrase "a little pisher" which means either a) A child who is not toilet trained yet or b) A clever child; this can be used as an exclamation after a kid does something clever, and especially something sneakily clever. This isn't what you'd say when your kid brings home a great report card, it's got a tinge of sarcasm to it. A friend of mine had a son who, at age 6 or so, had cornered the market in his school on Pokemon cards - what a pisher!

Of course there's a joke about pisher:

A man is up for a promotion, and is scheduled to be interviewed by Mr. Jacques LaFontaine. He's a bit nervous, but then his friend points out that LaFontaine's father was named Jack Spritzwasser and his grandfather was Yaakov Pisher.

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