Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Yiddish words: Naches

Word: Naches
Pronunciation: Rhymes with Loch Ness (with a Scottish/Yiddish ch)
Meaning: Yesterday's word was kvell  so today it's natural to define "naches".  The two words go together like chickens and eggs.

Naches is pride. But not usually pride in yourself, but in what your offspring (or other relatives) have done.
The reputation of Jews is that we are very good at getting naches from our kids, and very good at expecting kids to give naches to us.

The same parent who brags to all her (or his) friends about a child that got a 99 on a test will ask the child where the other point is. At least, that's the stereotype. I've certainly known Jews who were like this, but I try not to be with my kids.

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