Friday, April 6, 2018

Book Review: Expert Hand Evaluation by Augie Boehm

Expert Hand Evaluation is a good short (141 pages) book on evaluating the worth of your hand in contract bridge. Beginners learn to count high card points (ace = 4, king = 3, queen = 2, jack = 1) and may learn about adding points for length or shortness of suits. But how does the value of your hand change as the auction progresses?

Expert Hand Evaluation is composed of 29 short chapters. There's some repetition across chapters and it reads a bit like a collection of columns.  That's fine and doesn't detract from the book's usefulness, but the book would have been even better with some more general principles propounded.

Recommended for a wide range of intermediate players who want to bid better. 

August (Augie) Boehm is a bridge player and teacher in New York City. He has decades of experience and has written numerous bridge columns and books. 

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