Monday, December 11, 2017

Interesting words: Solecism

Solecism, according to Merriam Webster, is a noun and has 3 definitions:

1 : an ungrammatical combination of words in a sentence; also : a minor blunder in speech

2 : something deviating from the proper, normal, or accepted order

3 : a breach of etiquette or decorum
these are clearly all related and differ mainly in how specific they are; the first is quite narrow, the second quite broad and the third is in the middle.  The Oxford dictionary does not include the 2nd, broadest definition.

Using the first definition, it's shorter than "grammatical error" and more specific than "error" without qualification. Also, solecism is just a cool word.

It comes from Greek solokismos, which is from the Greek soloikos which means "speaking incorrectly", giving more weight to the first definition. It's quite a rare word, and is getting rarer.  It is now used about 1 in every 16 million word. For reference, "error" is used 1 in every 17 thousand words.

So, don't commit a solecism by failing to use solecism!

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